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Діалог Кислиці Небензі 20 хвилин тому. Що ви знаєте про цинізм | ДБ — День Бабака

Діалог Кислиці Небензі 20 хвилин тому. Що ви знаєте про цинізм?

Kyslytsya: I would like to ask the ambassador of the Russian Federation to say on the record that at this very moment your troops do not shell and bomb Ukrainian cities, that your troops do not move in the territory of Ukraine. You have a smartphone. You can call Lavrov right now. We can make a pause to let you go out and call him. If you are not in a position to give an affirmative answer. The Russian President declared a war on the record. Should I play the video of your President ambassador? Should I do that right now you can confirm it?
Nebenzya: I must say that I thank the representative of Ukraine for his statement and questions. I wasn't planning to answer them because I've already said all I know at this point. Waking up Minister Lavrov this time is not something I plan to do. He said the information that we have will be something we provide. And this isn't called a war. This is called a special military operation in the Donbass -