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Chronicles Of The Conflict

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Логотип телеграм -каналу conflictchronicles — Chronicles Of The Conflict
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All important military and social events in Ukraine

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2023-07-25 09:39:14
Russia to Open Embassies in Nearly All African Countries

Ambassador at large of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oleg Ozerov, announced that Russia is preparing to open embassies in almost all African countries. He stated that the decision-making process for this move is underway and expects the relevant resolutions to be adopted. Ozerov emphasized that the process might be lengthy.

"In the past, the decisions to close Russian embassies in Africa during the 1990s were not entirely sensible," said the diplomat, adding that it is essential to rectify this situation.

24 views06:39
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2023-07-24 22:13:01
Pretty sure this violates a bunch of health codes...

1.2K views19:13
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2023-07-24 21:59:35
Soldiers of the medical front continue to work miracles in Donbass

In a military hospital in Lugansk, doctors found an unexploded shell from a 30-mm 2A42 cannon in the body of a wounded soldier, which had to be removed.

The doctors did everything promptly and efficiently, the ammunition was removed, the patient was successfully operated on.

The detonation of the shell occurred 3 meters from the operating unit.

An operating surgeon, a resuscitator and an engineer were wounded. Two surgeons and two sappers were shell-shocked.

Бойцы медицинского фронта продолжают творить чудеса на Донбассе

В военном госпитале в Луганске медики обнаружили в теле раненого бойца неразорвавшийся снаряд от 30-мм пушки 2А42, который необходимо было извлечь.

Врачи извлекли боеприпас, пациент успешно прооперирован.

Детонация снаряда произошла в 3 метрах от оперблока.

Ранения получили оперирующий хирург, врач-реаниматолог и инженер. Контужены два врача-хирурга и два сапера.
1.3K views18:59
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2023-07-24 21:05:31 US believes it has supplied Ukraine with everything needed for counteroffensive, will announce new aid in the coming days

State Department
1.3K views18:05
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2023-07-24 20:54:02 Kiev hopes for a land corridor for the export of Ukrainian food to the EU

1.7K views17:54
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2023-07-24 20:42:14
The Greek island of Rhodes is burning for the seventh day

The country's former defense minister, Panos Kammenos, called on the authorities to "bow their heads" for Russian Be-200 aircraft:

Without Russian Be-200 amphibious aircraft, the fires on the Greek island of Rhodes cannot be put out, and they need to be asked from Moscow. Nothing happens without Beriev. Let's bow our heads and ask for help right now. They will give it to us

The Be-200 Altair aircraft can take 12 tons of water in 12 seconds.

And let me remind you that despite the fact that in 2021 Russian amphibians coped well with fires in Greece, after the start of the SMO, the new Minister for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Christos Stylianidis, began to assert that the Beriev was useless in fires in Greece, and its lease due to the situation in Ukraine could not continue.

Meanwhile, Russia sent two planes to Turkey on July 19.

Греческий остров Родос горит уже седьмой день

Бывший министр обороны страны Панос Камменос призвал «склонить голову» ради российских самолетов Бе-200.

Без российских самолетов-амфибий Бе-200 не потушить пожары на греческом острове Родос, и их нужно у Москвы попросить. «Без «Бериева» ничего не получается. Давайте склоним голову и попросим о помощи прямо сейчас. Нам ее дадут

Самолет Бе-200 «Альтаир» за 12 секунд может набирать 12 т воды.

А я напомню, что несмотря на то, что в 2021 российские амфибии прекрасно справились с пожарами в Греции, после начала СВО новый министр по вопросам климатического кризиса и гражданской защиты Христос Стилианидис стал утверждать, что "Бериев" бесполезен при пожарах в Греции, а его аренда в связи с ситуацией на Украине не может продолжаться.

Между тем, в Турцию Россия направила два самолёта ещё 19 июля.
1.3K views17:42
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2023-07-24 20:21:02
Explosives were discovered by Russia on a cargo ship from Turkey

Traces of explosives were found on board the dry cargo ship, which was sailing from Turkey to Russia through the Kerch Strait, the FSB Public Relations Center said.

"On July 22, traces of dinitrotoluene and tetryl explosives were found in the hold of a foreign dry cargo ship en route from Turkey to the port of Rostov-on-Don to load grain," the release says.

In addition, experts found signs of third-party interference in the structural parts of the vessel.
1.6K views17:21
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2023-07-24 19:53:02 Cyber attacks on Russia under the Ukrainian flag are organized by the Pentagon, the US National Security Agency and the NATO cyber center in Tallinn.

The United States directly oversees the work of the Ukrainian Center for Information and Psychological Operations. They involve Ukrainian hackers in cyberattacks on Russia.

/Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Patrushev/
1.3K views16:53
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2023-07-24 19:33:02 The Russian military-industrial complex is now producing more weapons in a month than in all of last year.

Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov
1.4K views16:33
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2023-07-24 19:12:02 According to Western analysts, units of PMC Wagner, while formally distancing themselves from the Russian authorities and the Russian Defense Ministry, may be involved in operations against NATO, in particular Poland.

All movements around the Wagner, the West believes, are connected with the preparation of operations "under a false flag" in the zone of Moscow's real interest.
1.4K views16:12
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