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Putin is not a reincarnation of Hitler - he is consciously fol | Видавництво Фоліо

Putin is not a reincarnation of Hitler - he is consciously following in his footsteps.

1. Putin came to power on the background of self-destruction of the Soviet empire, destruction of the communist elites, disrespect towards regulating authority, devastation unopposed by the Yeltsin government, the diminished role of Russia in the world. The situation is identical to the one that brought Hitler to power: devastated Weimar Republic which inherited an economy destroyed by war, demoralized society, forbidden military development, demilitarized territories, reparation debt, and lack of national pride - so important for the Germans.

2. Putin took over from an aging leader (Yeltsin) who was happy to give up power just like Hitler took over from aging Hindenburg.
Putin came to power as a representative of the security forces, same as Hitler coming to power on the bayonets of Ernst Röhm's troopers.

3. Putin started with the oppression of a national minority - the Chechens. Hitler started with the oppression of a national minority - the Jews.

4. Putin believes in integrating the private sector into government control over the economy, just like Hitler.

5. He rebuilt the military production which was choking in 2010-2012, just like Hitler did in the '30s.

6. The West allowed Putin to annex Belarus, just like they allowed Hitler to conduct the Anschluss of Austria.

7. Putin disregarded the agreements of nuclear non-proliferation and agreements controlling the use of other weapons in Europe, surrounding Georgia on his country's southern border, and now launching an invasion of Ukraine. Hitler militarized Ruhr, which was forbidden by international agreements.

8. Putin created a system that oppresses the freedom of speech and other freedoms of the citizens in democratic Russia, just like Hitler did in then-democratic Germany.

9. Putin built his state propaganda channels modeling those built by Goebbels in nazi Germany.

10. Both Putin and Hitler created an alternative truth for his citizens beginning the war with obvious fakes: see “Überfall auf den Sender Gleiwitz” and attacks of Ukrainian nationalists on the Donbas region.

11. Putin was banking on the West's silent tolerance. And here is where the story is different: the United States chose not to remain silent across the ocean, Britain was maximally active in the days prior to the Russian offensive on Ukraine, European countries gradually came to understand the potential history repeating and supported unprecedented "sanctions from hell" championed by the USA.

We believe that the heroism of the Ukrainian people with the military, financial and humanitarian support from the West has effectively changed history. Putin was not counting on this and he is now at the doorstep to the Reich Chancellery of May 30, 1945.

Now is the time for the Russian people to act.