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Маркетологи в айти

Логотип телеграм -каналу marketologivit — Маркетологи в айти М
Логотип телеграм -каналу marketologivit — Маркетологи в айти
Адреса каналу: @marketologivit
Категорії: Маркетинг , Робота
Мова: Українська
Країна: Росія
Передплатники: 928
Опис з каналу

Вакансии для маркетологов в IT компаниях Украины.
Для связи: @sadovskyy

Ratings & Reviews


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Останні повідомлення 6

2021-05-18 12:04:39 SMM Specialist, Beetroot
Swedish provider of IT consulting services based out of Ukraine. We build teams of developers and designers from Ukraine for European, Israeli, and North American IT companies and successful start-ups. We work within an informal atmosphere based on equality, personal responsibility, and trust.

— Developing and maintaining Beetroot Social Media Strategy and Content planning;
— Creating and posting content to all social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, adapting content to suit different channels;
— Basic retouching of images (text and color) in graphics editor;
— Work with copywriters and designers to ensure content is informative and appealing;
— Engaging with social media users by responding to fans and followers, seeking out new leads;
— Ensuring progress on all platforms by using analytical tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, and LinkedIn analytics;
— Research and evaluate the latest trends and techniques in order to find new and better ways of measuring social media activity.

— 2-3 years of working experience with corporate social networks or maintaining brand pages (1+ year in IT field);
— Experience in working with designers; general awareness of the IT-sphere;
— Previous experience with using any graphics editor, such as Figma, VSCO, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator; good graphic taste;
— Excellent verbal and written communication skills, tuned to think outside the box;
— Perfect Ukrainian with strong ability to think well in Ukrainian;
— Written Upper-Intermediate English, the ability to improvise and create content in live English;
— Strong copywriting and editing skills suitable for each platform, from knowing how to write a successful short post to use effective storytelling techniques;
— An eye for detail and the ability to work accurately with pedantic literacy;
— Knowledge and understanding of Facebook and Instagram algorithms;
— Strong skills in data analysis and interpreting statistics;
— Willingness to change and adjust content for the audience (brand sense and willingness to think independently);
— Ability to balance the tone of the company voice (informal but not familiar);
Friendly, open-minded, and active individual with vivid curiosity about other people.

Kiev / Kharkov / Odessa / Ivano-Frankivsk / Zhitomir / Kremenchug / Poltava

Подробнее сюда
293 views09:04
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2021-05-14 10:51:52 SMM Specialist, HYS Enterprise

HYS Enterprise is a Dutch, Amsterdam-based technology consultancy and software development house. We provide IT consulting, develop web and mobile applications, and build software products to help your business be more innovative and efficient.

⁃ Develop and implement social media strategy
⁃ Regularly update social media pages of Epicflow and HYS Enterprise
⁃ Create attractive job descriptions for social media
⁃ Create highly engaging social media content for social different platforms: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Quora, Instagram
⁃ Create visual content with designer’ help
⁃ Communicate with the audience
⁃ Stay up-to-date with developments and generate new ideas to draw audience’s attention
⁃ Measure the efficiency of social media campaigns

⁃ Excellent communication skills (English, Ukrainian);
⁃ At least a year of experience as a Social Media Manager (preferably for tech companies);
⁃ Experience of working with foreign audiences (North America, Europe);
⁃ Knowledge of various social networks (FB, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Quora etc.);
⁃ Basic understanding of digital marketing;
⁃ Knowledge of creating basic images for social media posts;

Odesa \ Kyiv\ Kharkiv\ remote

Send your CV:
237 views07:51
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2021-05-11 17:41:31 PPC specialist, Poster
Украинская продуктовая IT-компания. Мы первые в Украине и СНГ создали облачную систему автоматизации для кафе, ресторанов и магазинов. Сегодня Poster ежедневно пользуются 15000 заведений в 100 странах.

— Постоянное увеличение лидов с платного поиска, таргетинга и медийной рекламы при положительном ROAS.
— Проведение экспериментов и оптимизации по платным каналам.
— Анализ эффективности РК.
— Поиск новых источников лидогенерации.

— Ниндзя в Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Yandex Direсt.
— Опыт применения инструментов таргетированной рекламы в соц. сетях.
— Опыт в постоянной оптимизации РК с целью увеличения лидогенерации при положительном ROAS.
— Опыт в проведении экспериментов с РК, тестов креативов, площадок, форматом закупки.
— Опыт c B2B SaaS бизнесами
— Английский язык на уровне Intermediate и выше.


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312 views14:41
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2021-05-05 10:39:59 ​Нехай цьогоріч весна не дуже нас радує теплою погодою, та в нас гаряче!
Твоя давня мрія долучитися до IT індустрії та все не було нагоди? Wow-новинa саме для тебе.

Повне занурення у digital-світ з Cpamatica. Дізнайтеся усе про рекламу та маркетинг у IT

Що це?
Cpamatica IT Day — це можливість дізнатися:
• Як обертати мільйони доларів на рекламі?
• Як працює продуктова digital-компанія зсередини?
• З чого розпочати кар'єру в IT, якщо маєш досвід в інших сферах?
• У чому секрет успішних IT-продуктів?
• Що таке трафік і його аналітика?
• And much more!

Чому тобі варто долучитися:
1. Мінімум нудної теорії, максимум практичних знань та кейсів від ТОП-менеджерів компанії.
2. Учасники, котрі успішно виконають тестове завдання, отримають рекомендаційні листи та можливість претендувати на такі позиції: Business Development Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Manager, Analyst, User Acquisition Analyst, Traffic Manager.
Процес відбору відбудеться за спрощеною системою.
3. Business cocktail та нетворкінг.

Участь безкоштовна.
Швидше заповнюй форму, успішно проходь етапи відбору та круто проводь час на IT Day з командою Cpamatica!

Реєстрацію продовжено до 7 травня (включно):

Дата проведення:
15 травня (10:30-18:00).
247 views07:39
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2021-04-29 11:37:45 ​Реєструйся на безкоштовний онлайн-курс для копірайтерів Yalantis Copywriting School!

Якщо ти:
- вільно володієш англійською на рівні Advanced,
- маєш навички самостійного пошуку та систематизації інформації,
- розумієш основні принципи створення програмного забезпечення.

Зареєструйся та виконай тестове завдання
Пройди відбір та отримай можливість потрапити до сервісної IT-компанії на позицію копірайтера після навчання.

Ми навчимо всьому, що знаємо самі (а трохи таки знаємо, адже наш блог приводить до 90% клієнтів у компанію), попрактикуємося у створенні різних типів контенту та намітимо зони зростання.

На тебе чекають:
2.5 місяці онлайн-занять
багато практики, дуже багато практики!
фідбеки та постійне менторство

Реєстрація до 11.05.2021 включно
Початок навчання — 25.05.2021

Кількість місць обмежена

Подавай заявку вже зараз та зростай професійно з Yalantis!
301 views08:37
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2021-04-27 13:11:25 Creative Copywriter, Genesis

Genesis is one of the largest IT companies in Ukraine with more than 1500 people in 5 countries, who create products for 200 million users monthly. We are the most high-loaded company in the country and one of the largest partner of Facebook, Google, Snapchat and Apple in the CEE region. Our team is one of the best high-tech teams in Eastern Europe.

— Develop creative marketing copy to support brand messaging: articles, video scripts and email copy;
— Strengthen the Performance marketing: SEO, SERM, PPC content;
— Localization of landing pages, ads, and social media posts for target markets;
— Gain a deep understanding of the target audience and competitor activities.

— 3-4 years experience in marketing copyright;
— Strong understanding of branded and SEO content copywriting;
— Familiar with digital marketing strategies and content strategies;
— Fluent English (French or Spanish will be a plus);
— Capacity to multitask, prioritize, and organize number of concurrent projects;
— Team player with strong communication and presentation skills;
— Attention to details and highly organized.


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148 views10:11
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2021-04-20 11:47:52 SMM Manager, Blackwood Games

Blackwood Games is a leading computer game development company.

— Grows and expands company social media presence into new social media platforms, plus increases presence on existing platforms including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram
— Creates marketing and social media campaigns including budget planning, content ideation, and implementation schedules

— Excellent communication skills (English)
— At least three years of experience as a Social Media Manager (preferably for a game development company)
— Deep understanding of various social networks (FB, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Quora etc.)
— Knowledge of digital marketing
— Passion for creating great content
— Experience with Google Analytics and working with marketing metrics
— Attention to detail, critical-thinker and problem-solver

As a plus
— At least a year of working with foreign audiences (North America, Europe)


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275 views08:47
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2021-04-13 10:48:28 SMM and Community Manager, XCDS

We develop Collabio Spaces — an office suite that bridges the gap between multiple organizations clouds and personal environment. It enables high-performance collaboration regardless of connection quality and location. Our product empowers users, with rich co-authoring support and content focus.

— Performing research on current benchmark trends and audience preferences
— Designing and executing SMM strategy across various social media platforms (Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn are our main communities, we are going to add YouTube, Instagram, etc.)
— Handling paid advertising and partnerships / collaborations with thematic groups and pages
for the brand to bring awareness
— Creating, editing, publishing and sharing engaging social content regularly (in collaboration
with our PR Manager)
— Monitoring and engaging customers on socials, attracting new members to the community.
Conducting engaging online events — contests, polls, coupons
— Engaging in live conversations to spread the word about our brand
— Measuring your performance and using it for improving social media activities

— At least two years of experience as a Social Media Manager (preferably for an IT
product/mobile app)
— At least a year of working with foreign audiences (North America, Europe)
— Experience in content management and SMM proven by measurable cases
— Excellent command of the English language
— Professional knowledge of online marketing channels
— Excellent communication / organisational / time management skills

As a plus
— Experience in media buying and buying traffic
— Suggesting creative innovative ideas for social media! ;)

Киев, remote/ office work

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284 viewsedited  07:48
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2021-04-06 12:11:47 Digital Marketing Manager, Govitall

Govitall — is the largest international IT grocery company. We help students learn, offer solutions for educational projects and building a successful career. We have been actively working and developing since 2004, we hold a confident position in the market!.

—Identify the product target audience, positioning, values, and selling points;
—Working closely with product teams to brief them with the user insights, value props and messaging in order to successfully execute go-to-market campaigns;
—Сonversion rate optimization on our existing products;
—Analyzing the results of work, making suggestions for improvement;
—Searching for marketing growth hacks.

—2+ years of experience within marketing (preferably for Tier 1 markets);
—Experience in market research and competitive analysis;
—Experience in creation strong brand positioning;
—Experience in conversion rate optimization;
—Using a range of tools to analyze, test, and execute online marketing activities (Google and Facebook
Analytics, Google Optimize, Hotjar, PowerBI etc.);
—Intermediate or upper-intermediate English level;
—Practical experience in SEO;
—Experience in customer development will be a plus.


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287 views09:11
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2021-03-30 16:20:52 Content Writer, TEAM International

TEAM International — is a trusted IT business partner for dozens of companies globally. It's a place where a need meets innovation, trust fuels teamwork, and commitment to results builds long-term relations. We empower those who dare to change.

—Writing, editing and proofreading content;
—Formulating a cross-platform content strategy;
—Brainstorm with team members to develop new ideas;
—Build a following on social media;
—Provide editorial, creative and technical support to team members;
—Track web analytics to ascertain content engagement levels;
—Manage content across all platforms, including email and social media.

—4+ years of experience in content writing (preferably technical);
—Excellent writing skills;
—Fluent written English;
—High attention to detail and quality of work;
—Ability to analyze data and provide recommendations;
—Previous experience with content planning;
—Experience with Google Analytics.


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324 views13:20
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