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​Types of personality #vocabulary introvert - a person who d | Англійська на прокачку

​Types of personality #vocabulary

introvert - a person who doesn't find easy to talk to others
E.g. Introverts tend to be more quiet, reserved, and introspective.

wallflower - a shy person, especially a girl or woman, who is frightened to involve herself in social activities
тихоня, та, що на вечірці стоїть у кутку.
E.g. Sooner or later someone would take pity on the poor wallflower and ask her to dance.

debater - a person who argues about a subject, especially in a formal manner.
той, хто вміє дискутувати
E.g. She was a good speaker and an excellent debater.

goal-driven - someone focused and motivated by goals
націлений на результат
E.g. Would you describe yourself as goal-driven?

protagonist - charismatic and inspiring leader
лідер, той за ким ідуть
E.g. She was a leading protagonist in the civil rights movement.

easy going - someone who is relaxed and casual
легкий в спілкуванні 
E.g. I have known him as always kindhearted and easygoing.

logician - someone who studies or is skilled in logic
E.g. Of course, logicians are not interested in how answers to questions are derived in practice. An expert in logic is a logician

entrepreneur - smart, energetic and perceptive people
E.g. He’s an entrepreneur who made his money in computer software.

entertainer - someone who sings, dances, tells jokes, etc., as a job
той, хто вміє розважати
E.g. There were also circuses with comedians and entertainers for the children