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More idioms or more money? Нехай буде BOTH, а поки об’єдна | Stellar.eng_lish

More idioms or more money?

Нехай буде BOTH, а поки об’єднаємо і говоримо про money idioms

cost an arm and a leg: дуже дорого коштувати

The renovation of our house was beautiful, but it cost us an arm and a leg to complete

break the bank: розорити банк або витратити все все

I would love to go on a luxurious vacation to Europe, but it would break the bank and leave me with no money for other expenses

bring home the bacon: заробляти на сім’ю, забезпечувати її

My father works hard every day to bring home the bacon and support our family

bread and butter: основне джерело доходу

Writing is my bread and butter, it's what I do to earn a living and support myself financially

money talks: гроші вирішують

Unfortunately, in many aspects of life, it seems that money talks, those with more wealth often have greater power and influence in decision-making processes

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