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Логотип телеграм -каналу catops — CatOps
Адреса каналу: @catops
Категорії: Технології
Мова: Українська
Передплатники: 5.51K
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DevOps and other issues by Yurii Rochniak (@grem1in) - SRE @ N26 && Maksym Vlasov (@MaxymVlasov) - Engineer @ Star. Opinions on our own.
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Останні повідомлення

2022-08-29 13:58:44 Here is a brief and neat comparison between External Secrets Operator and Secret Storage CSI for Kubernetes.

Both tools allows one to fetch secrets from an external storage like HashiCorp Vault. However, they work a little bit differently. If ESO creates a k8s secret based on the external one, SSC mounts a secret as a CSI volume.

You may ask, why use one of these if Banzai Bank Vaults exists? Well, not everyone uses HashiCorp Vault. Also, in case you have multiple secret storages (for whatever reason), one of these tools may be a good solution to reduce the footprint for secrets management.

#kubernetes #security
951 views10:58
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2022-08-28 14:08:52 One of the initial motivations behind CatOps was to have a public notebook. I was saving tons of links and articles at the time and wanted to share those with the community, but also have a way to search for materials in case I need to get back to something. With time CatOps has evolved into something bigger that that,

Telegram channel perfectly serves the first purpose, but searchability is far from perfect.

That’s why I have created a Substack newsletter. I’ll try to make those newsletters weekly or bi-weekly. Although, I’m not commiting in anything at the moment, let’s see how it goes.

There are two main purposes of this newsletter:
- Searchability
- Be a home for medium-sized posts

Emails are much better to search for things, in my opinion, moreover they’ll have more concentrated lists of things inside.

Also, sometimes I want to share thoughts that take a little bit more space than a readable Telegram post, but aren’t exactly a full blog post. Hopefully, Substack can become a home for such things.

So, feel free to subscribe to my new newsletter! If you’re not keen to it, no worries - Telegram is still the main place to share interesting links with y’all!
1.2K views11:08
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2022-08-26 11:55:25 Humble Bundle together with Pluralsight are sharing a bunch of Azure related courses.

As usual, you can pay at least $1 to unlock 4 courses or at least $25 for the whole bundle of 20 items. A part of the funds go to charity as usual.

So, if you work with Azure or you’re looking forward to switch to it, or you’re getting a job in a company that uses it; this bundle may be helpful to you.

1.4K views08:55
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2022-08-25 16:44:20 Policies as code is a powerful tool to test and validate your configuration.

And probably one of the most famous engines for policies as code is OPA aka Open Policy Agent.

The beautiful part of it is that it’s kind of platform agnostic i.e. there are tools that implement OPA for different things. Threfore, OPA policies are usually not limited to a single application.

The hard part of OPA is that it uses Rego langugage, which is not quite similar to the popular general purpose programming langugages. If you payed attention to langugages like Prolog at school, Rego might be not a big issue for you.

However, if you don’t remember those classes or didn’t have them at all (like myself, he-he), this article on how to get started with Rego might be helpful for you!

#opa #policy #security
1.5K views13:44
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2022-08-24 10:13:26 ​​Вітаю зі Святом Незалежності, коти!
1.7K views07:13
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2022-08-19 11:48:07 Only 4 days left to get the Terraform - From Zero to Certified Professional course for free!

I think, this is a great opportunity to get yourself familiar with Terraform or take a look, how things are done in the newer versions in case you're still using 0.11 for whatever reason.

#terraform #hashicorp #aws
3.1K views08:48
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2022-08-18 12:02:36 While Web Assembly aka WASM is getting momentum, we are going to see more and more “X in a browser” things.

So, today it’s Postgres Playground by Crunchy (the authours of a famous Postgres k8s operators).

This is more of a set of learning tutorials than a freeplay sandbox. So, you can get yourself familiar with Postgres and learn various things about it there. Currently available tutorials are for:

- Basics of psql
- Partitioning
- Performance analysis
- Joins
- Indexing
- PostGIS
- Window functions and CTEs

#databases #postgresql #wasm
2.1K views09:02
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2022-08-17 18:35:14 I got my education in Telecommunications. It’s not that important fact right now, because I don’t work in this field, this I have likely forgotten everything I learned

However, articles like this one spark somewhat nostalgic feelings.

Microsoft have written in their blog about how lessons learned from cloud technologies help improving the security of telecom networks.

This article also contains links to the related researches and practices. So, you can still find some interesting bits about modern day security approaches even if you’re not interested in telecom networks specifically.

#security #networking #microsoft
1.8K views15:35
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2022-08-11 20:33:03Good documentation is foundational for implementing DevOps capabilities - State of DevOps says.

But writing good docs is hard... and what can you do, except hire a Tech writer?
Cry Try to write docs better.

Here are free technical writing courses by Google (and quick recap). I drive "good docs culture" (that happened historically) in my current job and find these courses really helpful in describing to teammates how docs should look.

Also, I found that already exist documentation style guides by Google and Microsoft so you don't need entirely reinvent the wheel, just a little part of it ;)

On the other hand, these style guides look very complicated, so to not be overwhelmed, just start from these highlights.

And if you need, more technical writing resources and reasons why docs should be and should be good - here.

P.S. Don't repeat my mistake - take these courses before start writing and reviewing docs on a regular basis, not in ~2 years after.

#documentation #culture
3.8K views17:33
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2022-08-10 15:02:17 Doordash share their hard-earned experience of configuring probes in Kubernetes.

One of the incidents they had was caused by a readinessProbe that triggered a connection to a downstream resource. Unfortunately, it’s very common to see health checks that are not scoped to a service itself but also rely on service’s dependencies.

The trickiest part is that it’s not entirely bad thing. Sometimes it makes sense to indicate that your service won’t work unless a dependency is present. However, service owners should be fully aware of the consequences.

Here are the takeaways from this article neatly collected by Doordash themselves:

1.       Understand the different applications of the various Kubernetes probes. Ensure the entire department is aware of these use cases.
2.       Verify the applications and options regarding any third-party health check endpoints. Consider disabling certain features on third-party tools.
3.       Treat health check endpoints as Tier 0 by instrumenting them with various observability methods and ensuring they are not ignored by the observability tooling. If health checks are providing too much data, consider sampling them or reducing the volume of data they share.
4.       Having a health-checks depend on a backend dependency can be problematic, as an outage within your dependency can cause you to have an outage as Kubernetes restarts your containers.

2.3K views12:02
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