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Логотип телеграм -каналу catops — CatOps
Адреса каналу: @catops
Категорії: Технології
Мова: Українська
Передплатники: 5.51K
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DevOps and other issues by Yurii Rochniak (@grem1in) - SRE @ N26 && Maksym Vlasov (@MaxymVlasov) - Engineer @ Star. Opinions on our own.
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Останні повідомлення 5

2022-05-16 20:13:14 ​​Just a reminder that tomorrow we have DevOps Days Ukraine online conference!

One of our goals is to raise funds for various humanitarian efforts to help Ukraine.

However, the conference itself is free to attend!

You can register via the link:

1.1K viewsedited  17:13
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2022-05-16 18:06:00
1.2K views15:06
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2022-05-12 11:00:06 A nice small article on when it makes sense to use pointers in Go.

As with the previous article, if you write in Go a lot that would probably provide you no new information. However, if you’re just learning it or switching from another language like Python, or writing Go code not that frequent; this article should be interesting.

And a quote:

In fact, I'll quote Ben Darnell, who is the lead engineer of CockroachDB (built in Go) :

"Whenever in doubt, use a value instead of a pointer"

#go #programming
974 views08:00
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2022-05-11 20:22:55 On-Call: Leave It Better Than You Found It.

A short article with some practical recommendations for those, who are going to participate in an oncall rotation.

TBH, I haven’t got any new information from there. Probably, since I always participated in oncall since the very beginning of my career. However, if oncall is something new to you or if you know someone, who’s just about to take a pager; this article could be quite useful.

1.2K views17:22
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2022-05-09 17:42:20 On Thursday, November 18, 2021, Dropbox did not go down. It sounds like a beginning of some modernist novel. Yet, this is rather a post-mortem on an incident that never happened.

This is a great story of leadership and dedication, which lasted for a few years. Results? Dropbox were able to literally pull the network cord from their data center and “do not go down on 18 of November, 2021”. And not just a data center, but their main one.

I really enjoyed this story because it proves once again a few basic things that we prefer not to think about:
- Any project take time and effort. Big projects take a lot of time and effort. If you’re looking into rebuilding your system from scratch, that won’t take a week or two.
- Big projects require dedication. You cannot just add them as a side hassle for your existing team and expect them to deliver everything with the highest quality.
- Iterative improvements. Apollo 11 was the first mission to reach the Moon not because 11 is a pretty number.
- Test and exercise. It’s not enough just to “implement the best practices”, you have to validate if those are actually working as expected. And if there’s a process involved, you have to repeat it frequently enough to not to get rusty.

#infrastructure #culture #postmortem
1.5K views14:42
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2022-05-08 16:12:33 Humble Bundle books on Python.

As usual, you can pay various amounts of money to get 2, 6, 13 books, or the whole bundle (18 items).

Another good thing about this bundle is that many books are not focusing on a specific framework, but rather on a generic stuff.

2.7K views13:12
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2022-05-07 13:33:06
1.4K views10:33
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2022-05-04 10:30:00 Just a reminder, that VPN should not be used to secure your infrastructure. Use Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) when possible.

1.1K views07:30
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2022-05-03 15:09:52 ​​So, here's an update that I promised. tl;dr: We are gonna have DevOps Days Ukraine this year!

Initially, the whole committee was against an online event, but then our lives suddenly changed.

On 17-18 May we are going to have a free online DevOps Days #StandWithUkraine conference with the main focus on how to do devops in the times of crisis. You can find a lot of familiar faces among the speakers, including people from the Ukrainian DevOps community.

The event itself is free, but we ask you to donate to the Ukrainian army or volunteer organizations of your choice. We will provide more details during the conference, but you can also find some useful links attached to this post.

More info here:

720 views12:09
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2022-05-01 15:49:06 Back in a day I ran a quick survey about the topics that would be interesting for my audience. One of those was about soft skills. So, here you are.

This is not a very popular topic for many reasons, but in this article Charity Majors provides some ideas on what should one say on the exit interview. An exit interview it typically done when a person resigns from a company to reflect on this person’s experience and make improvements and adjustments in the corporate culture, processes, etc.

This is a short article, but here are a few takeaways:
- Be constructive and try to make an exit interview effective: simple ranting won’t helm anyone, but saying “all good, just a next step in my career”, when there are huge issues in the company, won’t help anyone either.
- Start from the high-level overview of corporate problems if any
- Try to tighten the problem to a material outcome (revenue loses, hours of downtime, number of people who resigned)
- Keep it short and put it in writing
- Provide a written copy to a person with administrative power within a company, who you trust

#culture #exit_interview
864 views12:49
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