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Мова: Українська
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2022-05-13 17:21:38 ​Good day, we are from Ukraine!

Our brave army continues to show its courage defending Ukrainian territories from occupants. On the other side, we have their backs by continuing to spread the truth and educating people about Russian aggression towards Ukraine in our digest.

All civilians have been evacuated from the Azov steel mill. Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk reported on May the 7-th that “all women, children and the elderly” have been brought out from underground bunkers in the vast steel mill, where they had been hiding from Russian attacks with little food, water or medicine for more than a month. Hundreds of Ukrainian fighters are thought to remain inside. It is worth noting that they are the final pocket of Ukrainians who are fighting in the devastated port city and they have become a symbol of resistance to the Russian effort to capture swaths of eastern and southern Ukraine in the 10-week-old war.

Ukraine proposes to exchange the seriously wounded fighters on Azovstal for Russian prisoners according to the extraction procedure. Extraction or exfiltration is a tactical procedure or technique that involves the rapid removal of people (both military and civilian) from enemy territory to safety. This tactic is usually used in extreme cases, when all personnel may die. In spite of our fighters being brave, the whole Ukraine really does worry about them and will do everything possible to keep them safe.

Another very important event that happened recently is that the U.S. President Joe Biden signed the Ukraine Democracy Defence Lend-Lease Act on Monday, May 9. Land-Lease is a program of large-scale supply of military hardware and equipment by the allies for rent or long-term credit. The United States uses this procedure for the first time since it helped defeat Hitler in World War II. Such a piece of news raises up our spirits as well as the spirits of our army, which manages to counterattack the enemy in several regions.

Speaking of counterattacks, Ukrainian defence forces continued their counterattacks in the north of Kharkiv and pushed the occupiers to the Russian border. Soldiers managed to liberate several settlements. According to experts, this counterattack paralyses the occupiers in the Izyum area, where they tried to form a ring to surround the Ukrainian forces in the Donbass.

Recently, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has launched a venue for anyone who wants to support Ukraine - All funds will be transferred to the corresponding accounts of the National Bank of Ukraine to cover the most pressing needs, such as defence and demining, medical needs and restoring Ukraine. We are grateful to everyone who has donated to help Ukraine as well to those who continue helping our country.

We continue asking everyone to share the truth about Russian aggression around the world.
We believe in Ukraine, its victory and its future.
Ukraine stands!

#StopWar #Ukraine #PrayForUkraine #QA
4.1K viewsQATestLab_Bot1, 14:21
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2022-05-12 12:00:09 Junior Sales Manager у QATestLab

Київ, Черкаси, Вінниця

Хто нам потрібен?
Ми в пошуках талановитого IT Sales Manager, який має досвід у продажах, володіє розмовною та письмовою англійською на рівні Upper Intermediate, володіє комунікативними навичками та хоче розвиватися всередині великої міжнародної IT-компанії.

Що потрібно робити?
Брати участь у повному циклі продажів: від pre-sale активностей до закриття угоди.
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Вести розсилку по холодній базі клієнтів.
Аналізувати ринки, знаходити нові можливості для зростання компанії.
Брати участь у мозкових штурмах команди з продажів.
Складати результативні звіти.

Тобі сподобається працювати з нами, ми створили для цього всі умови

Хочеш добре заробляти та розвиватися у сфері IT? Тоді надсилай резюме прямо зараз і ми обов'язково ознайомимося з ним та зв'яжемося з тобою! :)

Skype: live:.cid.bcb229853ddea1fe
3.5K viewsQATestLab_Bot1, 09:00
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2022-05-10 20:18:06 ​ Друзі, хочемо поділитись з Вами хорошою новиною.

Місць у навчальних групах відтепер буде вдвічі більше!

Через війну чимало громадян України втратили роботу, тому ми вирішили прикласти ще більше зусиль і відтепер максимальна кількість студентів кожної навчальної групи становить 1000!
Завдяки цьому ще більше людей зможуть отримати нову перспективну професію QA-інженера всього протягом одного місяця навчання.
Детальніше з процесом навчання можна ознайомитись на нашому сайті

З нетерпінням чекаємо Вас і Ваших друзів на заняттях!
3.6K viewsQATestLab_Bot1, 17:18
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2022-04-29 18:30:54 ​We keep staying in touch!

Today it is very complicated to talk about the terrors that have already happened and continue happening in Ukraine, about Bucha,Irpin, Mariupol, Odessa and Kharkiv. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to bring back those who were killed by Russian military officers. However, we have a chance to save those who are still alive.

It is important not to remain silent about the situation happening in Mariupol. This city has been blocked by the Russian military since 1-st of March. The defenders of Ukraine have gathered in the Azovstal factory, among them are Azov regiment, marines, board guards and Ukrainian National Guard. There are also civilians, hiding from bombs and shelling of the Russian army in the dungeons of the old plant.

The plant territory is daily shelled by different kinds of bombs such as phosphorus bombs, as well as missiles, artillery and in general is suffering the consequences of the airstrikes. The night of the 28-th of April was the hardest one as russian army had been throwing bombs on the field hospital and then after destroying the concrete structures, mercilessly fired on the ruins of the ship's artillery. The enemy wants not just to destroy the defenders of Mariupol, but also those who cannot defend themselves: women, children, the wounded. They want it at any cost it takes.
The only thing we can do now is to ask not to remain silent, but to spread information and to turn to all international organizations for help. After all, the Geneva Convention guarantees the protection of any medical institution, so they must not be attacked! Civilians must be saved, not deported to Russia, as if it is the only way to survive, but saved in their homeland.

We ask for support from all over the world by spreading information, praying and spreading the truth!

We believe in the victory of good, we believe in the victory of Ukraine!

#StopWar #Ukraine #PrayForUkraine #QA
4.6K viewsQATestLab_Bot1, 15:30
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2022-04-29 17:00:06 Інтернет-магазин — чи не найрозповсюдженіший кандидат на тестування сучасності. Про тестування сайтів електронної комерції написано досить багато, однак сьогодні ми хочемо звернути вашу увагу на ключовий елемент інтернет-магазину — кошик.
Кошик для покупок — одна із найважливіших функцій, які необхідно покрити під час тестування. Якщо відвідувач вебсайту не може додати товари до кошика, у нього немає причин залишатися. Отже, тестові кейси мають містити всі різновиди операцій із вибраним елементом.
Як перевірити зовнішній вигляд складових елементів функціоналу кошика? На що звернути увагу під час перевірки мінікошика? Які існують етапи роботи з кошиком та, які тести слід застосувати при їх проходженні?
Багато інших цікавих речей ви дізнаєтесь у нашій черговій статті
3.5K viewsQATestLab_Bot1, 14:00
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2022-04-24 11:00:03 ​Весна - це чудова пора теплого сонця і квітів! А ще це час, коли усі християни святкують Великдень! Вітаємо з прекрасним святом відродження і перемоги світла над тьмою! Нехай це свято принесе усьому світу надію і щастя. Миру нам усім!
4.8K viewsQATestLab_Bot1, 08:00
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2022-04-08 17:00:19 Аудиторія користувачів мобільних девайсів зростає з кожним днем. Саме тому все більше уваги приділяється технічним аспектам мобільного тестування. Сьогодні ми розглянемо, як можна відобразити дотики до сенсорного екрану девайсу на iOS.
Як відомо, розробники iOS не шукають легких шляхів, тому просто натиснути кнопку «Відображати дотики» і насолоджуватися результатом не вийде. Ми пропонуємо два гнучких підходи до проблеми відображення жестів. Цікаво? Деталі у нашій статті
5.6K viewsQATestLab_Bot1, 14:00
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2022-03-30 20:21:17 ​Greetings to everyone! Today is March 30-th 2022.

We continue updating our weekly digest. We are dreaming about Ukrainian Armed Forces winning over the occupants and finally settling freedom on Ukrainian lands, however it’s not something that can be done fast and easily.

In spite of the promises of the Moscow representatives to withdraw the troops from Kyiv, these promises weren’t fulfilled at all. Chernihiv and Kyiv regions were brutally shelled today as well as Kharkiv and Donetsk and other regions. These continuous shellings throughout Ukraine already made 3,9 million of Ukrainians - refugees outside Ukraine and 6,5 million - temporary refugees within Ukraine. Our colleagues were forced to leave their homes and move out in order to work in a safer place.
The Russian army is well known for its violence and their careless actions near ammunition and weapons. Yesterday due to the violations of the transportation and storage requirement there was a self-detonation of ammunition in Belgorod. This frightens both the leadership of Ukraine and its ordinary citizens, because the Russian military has set up a huge warehouse of ammunition in the area of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The IAEA chairman arrived in Ukraine to solve this problem and also cover the topic of the Zaporizhzhya NPP being captured by the Russian army in Energodar.
We are very grateful to international organizations, people around the world who support Ukrainians and believe in our victory along with us! Evil always loses and will always be punished, so the liberation of Ukraine from Russian invaders is near.

We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, we believe in our victory! We are working for this, we are already beginning to rebuild the economy. Today, our Training Center has three groups of students in parallel launched so that more people can get a new profession, so that those who left can retrain and work to rebuild their country.

Help us in the fight against the invader, spread the truth, because in the age of information technology it is very important!

#StopWar #Ukraine #PrayForUkraine #QA
5.8K viewsQATestLab_Bot1, 17:21
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2022-03-25 18:22:37 Певно, чи не найпопулярнішою сучасною системою керування проєктами є Jira. Безперечно, ця система є гігантом світу ІТ-менеджменту, однак її функціонал є зрозумілим та доступним не для кожного пересічного користувача. Тож наша стаття покликана допомогти усім тим, хто лише знайомиться з Jira та її функціями.
Як у цій системі створити проєкт?
Яким чином можна створити Scrum або Kanban дошки та яка між ними різниця?
Які існують тікети у Джирі, ким і коли вони використовуються?
Що таке мітки та компоненти?
Яким чином виглядає життєвий цикл тікета у Jira?
Про все це та інше – у нашій корисній статті
4.8K viewsQATestLab_Bot1, 15:22
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2022-03-24 19:38:31 Today, 4 a.m. one month ago, the Russian Federation has started a full-scale attack on Ukraine. It has been a month of the war that is full of blood of the innocent and tremendous damage.

Ukrainian people have already adjusted to the new reality and we all strive to come back to life as it was before the war. Life continues and the sun rises again, no matter what.
In this digest we won't be telling you about the terror that is happening in our country, however we continue to ask for help from NATO together with the president of Ukraine.
This digest will be dedicated to the recovery. We believe that victory is near and that means that it is a high time to think about the restoration and recovery of our country. That is why the Training Center has renewed the courses. Currently, there are simultaneous courses in Ukrainian and English languages. We must come back to the economical battlefield to give our contribution.

All of our employees are working, in spite of being located on the territories that are considered to be occupied. However, each of our employees as well as all Ukrainians has a strong belief in our victory and we are doing our best to draw the day when the war ends even closer!

There have been 4 funds created by the Ukrainian government to recover and reconstruct the country after the war, according to the direction of recovery. The details of these funds can be found by the following links:

- reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure;
- economic transformation;
- resumption of small and medium business;
- servicing Ukraine's international financial obligations

We feel the help of the whole world, faith in our steadiness and prayers for us to save the most precious thing - the life and health of everyone! Thank you for that! Thank you for spreading the truth, for your support and kind words!

Glory to Ukraine!

#StopWar #Ukraine #PrayForUkraine #QA
4.2K viewsQATestLab_Bot1, edited  16:38
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